Small Haituo Travels


    styler 2012-8-21 10:45:12
    Friday workhard to night!
    Saturday morning I get up with no sunlight!
    Get on bus with my heavy head!
    Take the full of water and food's bag!
    Be my pleasure to meet so many Yuexia's friendly guys!
    Nearly 3 hours we reach the mountain's footside!
    Oh the scene I very like!
    through not so hot I put on my hat!
    There are so many river so the hill's very wet!
    And the tree shadow make us feel not so bad!
    As teamleader Xiao said
    We are Yuexia team's Knight!
    Must get the mountain cap!
    We laugh、talk and walk to the sunset
    Finally We safely self's home take the bath and get bed!
    A deep sleep to sun high rise!
    After the memory I look back
    How rubish I write!
    But please do not throw egg to my back!
    Because in harmonious society please do not do that!
    Thank you^_^



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    垂拱之盟 2012-8-21 12:53:20
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    垂拱之盟 2012-8-21 12:56:03
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    styler 2012-8-21 13:27:55
    happy小猴子: 雷人啊!
    哈哈 要的就是这种效果~~~
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    styler 2012-8-21 13:29:20
    垂拱之盟: 不过,萌主真的好有才啊,哈哈。琢磨琢磨,给他翻译成古风体,嘿嘿
    大哥说笑了~~~我就是是仿莎士比亚体写的 谢谢!!!
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    碧螺 2012-8-21 16:35:45
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    米粒 2012-8-21 16:59:44
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    海风 2012-8-21 18:58:07
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    styler 2012-8-21 19:11:10
    碧螺: 最近在练口语,看到这个很亲切~
    haha 满篇的语法错误都给孩子教坏了~~~
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    styler 2012-8-21 19:12:03
    米粒: 马达马达达内
    哪 哪尼 得不到米粒sama的表扬 那我写这篇文章不就 不就没有意义了吗~~~啊啊啊!!!
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    碧螺 2012-8-21 19:13:01
    styler: haha 满篇的语法错误都给孩子教坏了~~~
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    styler 2012-8-21 19:17:16
    海风: 不会英语的路过
    ~~~能看出这是英语不是法语 就已经出卖了你!!!
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    styler 2012-8-21 19:20:18
    碧螺: 关键是敢说,敢说!呵呵,不苛求语法。
    Thanks Han Meimei.I very thank you give me inspiron~~~
    Li Lei with Yuexia members
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    碧螺 2012-8-21 19:27:41
    styler: Thanks Han Meimei.I very thank you give me inspiron~~~
    Li Lei with Yuexia members
    You are welcome.
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    海风 2012-8-21 20:31:50
    styler: ~~~能看出这是英语不是法语 就已经出卖了你!!!
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    雪泥鸿爪 2012-8-22 08:26:44
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    styler 2012-8-23 08:15:08
    雪泥鸿爪: 恩恩挺押韵哈,哪位大仙给谱上曲子吧
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    方圆 2012-8-24 09:16:54
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    唐朝 2016-7-21 11:32:59
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    野游 2016-7-21 14:18:23
    我想起那首歌“travelling light". 这首可以作为姊妹篇。 谱上曲子。
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    青青绿竹 2016-7-21 18:28:03
    What fuck the trvel note!  But,you,worth to encourage.
    心中若有桃花源    何处不是水云间
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